Wednesday, March 13, 2019

How to Fix - Why is Google not Working ?

Google is Not working - Talk With Experts ?

There is no exaggeration in saying that OK Google is a wonderful invention that makes it quite easy to give commands to the Google even without making any effort of writing anything. Users are over the world keep on appreciating this wonderful invention and love to use it as it frees the individuals from the hassles of writing. But to the utter dismay of several people this wonderful platform also is having certain issues that needs to be rectified. It makes people perturbed when they get to know that Why is Google not working. As this problem can affect any person throughout the world so without any further ado let’s have a look at the different solutions of this issue.

There can be several issues of this problem, here we will check out the underlined cases.

Google not working is really a troubling issue. But it is quite important to check out whether it is a universal problem or it is confined to your phone only. It is important to know this that if the problem is on the part of the Google then you need not to take so much stress. As others are suffering from the same issue and it is the liability of the Google to fix it as soon as possible.
Language provides the biggest assistance in the completion of any task. The problem related to Ok Google not working may be due to the factor that the language which are not speaking is not registered. Don’t worry, as you can amend this situation. Just go to settings and perform some easy steps to change your language settings.
The state of your microphone also effects Ok Google working. If microphone is quite old then you should thinking of replacing it so that in future no other issue in the future. The other solution of this problem is you can check for the accumulation of dirt around your microphone.
Sometimes the problem occurs due to the fact that OK Google is not trained properly to fetch your commands and accomplish your orders. So, if you feel that this is the cause of your troubling issues, then think of retraining your Google assistant.
Sometimes the problem is not big enough but our concerns makes it big. So, it is an important thing to note that you should think of some important minor fixes as well. Just check if your internet connection or Wi-Fi is working properly or not. If not then take rectifying measures in this regard.
The last but not the least this problem occurs with the Samsung users as well. It is important to note that OK Google cannot work in proper order if you have Samsung Bixby installed on your Samsung phone. So, if you wish OK Google to work properly then first of all make sure that you uninstall Samsung Bixby.

So, these are certain solution of the issues about Google not working ? By following the above steps you can resolve this issue. If you confront any other issue in this regard, then you may take some other steps like you can contact Google customer support or any reliable third-party service provider.

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