Thursday, September 20, 2018

How Do You Fix Google Voice Search Not Working

Google voice look is utilized for seeking anything through voice.With the assistance of Google voice, the client should talk the inquiry thing then it will consequently recognize the things which you need to look.

Despite the fact that It gives astonishing it isn't free from blunders. When you utilize Google voice on Google Chrome then it doesn't work in that program.If Google voice search not working in chrome then you need to follow the given steps:

First of all, you need to check the Internet connection then check the Google Chrome browser.
After That, you will have to go to the “Ok Google” detection and check that it is working fine or not.
IF ok Google is turn off then you need to turn on.
Go to the Google app to turn on OK google then go to the settings option.
Here select the OK Google.

Presently you can check the Google voice if still Google voice search not working then you should accept an approach Google support number. Google have specialists who are knowing about the

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